'American Idol': Meet the Boys of the Top 24 (Part 2)

'American Idol': Meet the Boys of the Top 24 (Part 2) "American Idol" has finally reached semifinals, and judging by the plummeting ratings, a lot of you out there weren't too pleased with the way they dragged out the selection of the Top 24.

So if you happened to miss any of the action thus far, here's your chance to get to know all of the contestants before you start voting for them. Or you could just vote for them based on, I dunno, their voice or something?

We introduced you to six of the 12 boys in our other post, so here are the remaining six:

Jeremy Rosado
Colton Dixon
DeAndre Brackensick
Chase Likens
Adam Brock
Heejun Han

Of these six, Heejun might have the best shot at going far. The mixture of his amazing voice with his awkward demeanor has already made him a fan favorite, so expect him to stick around for a while... and if he does get eliminated, it will be a firestorm of Pia proportions, or greater.

As for the rest of them, Jeremy's a nice guy, Colton has ridiculous hair, DeAndre sings really high, Chase is a country boy, and Adam cries a lot. Like, a LOT. That's pretty much all you need to know.

Watch the interviews with these six below: