'American Horror Story' Promo #22: Is This Bloody Face?

'American Horror Story' Promo #22: Is This Bloody Face? The "American Horror Story" promos continue, and they're getting juicy, y'all.

This latest short teaser doesn't reveal much visually, but the implications behind the small hints it does reveal are huge. The teaser shows us a face in almost total darkness, slowly rising up toward the camera, as what seems to be a news report plays in the background. Just before the shot cuts out, we see just a small flash of metal on the shadowy face.

Here's something we know for certain: this season will feature a serial killer by the name of Bloody Face, who Ryan Murphy said will be "this year's Rubber Man." While we have yet to see what Bloody Face looks like, Murphy did post a set photo a while back that featured a crude drawing of Bloody Face on one of the asylum's walls.

That drawing shows some kind of braces or mask over the monster's mouth... so is the figure in this teaser with the metal mouth our Bloody Face? And if so, what's up with the weather report going on in the background?

Check out the latest "American Horror Story: Asylum" promo, titled "Face," below. Let us know what you think it all means!