'American Horror Story' Promo #10: Oh, Fork Me

'American Horror Story' Promo #10: Oh, Fork Me There is seemingly no end to these "American Horror Story" promos! Will this 10th one be the last? We hope not.

This latest promo, just released today, doesn't go for the big scare as some of the other ones have. Rather, it's a quiet one that makes you think a bit... and it doesn't hurt the suspense to have a sharp utensil pressing against human skin.

In the promo, we get a close-up of a woman's legs with a fork resting on them. After a second, a hand raises the fork and presses it into the leg with increasing pressure. But instead of breaking the skin and showing us blood, like we expect, the fork causes the skin to turn a silvery grey and make a slight sizzling/hissing noise.

What could that mean? It could have something to do with the bucket of body parts that we've seen in two previous promos: it would seem that there's some kind of cannibal on the loose at the asylum. But we learned from some season 2 secrets that there will be more than one menace terrorizing the asylum... so is it Bloody Face, the Raspers, a Nazi or even aliens that are feasting on humans?

Check out the "Fork" promo for "American Horror Story" season 2 below: