'American Dad' Season 8, Episode 15: 'The Missing Kink' Recap

'American Dad'  Season 8, Episode 15: 'The Missing Kink' RecapAmerican Dad”, season 8, episode 15, “The Missing Kink”

Francine is less than impressed with her boring sex life, since Stan insists on only the missionary position. She suggests using toys and foods to spice things up, but Stan is against it.

The next morning at breakfast, Steve disobeys Stan, who, in turn, spanks him out of punishment. Francine doesn’t approve of spanking the kids, so Stan spanks her to show it doesn’t hurt. Francine loves it.

That night, Hayley comes home in tears after 12 failed dates, trying to replace Jeff. She swears off men, which Snot views as his opportunity to win her. He asks her to get pizza with him, and she accepts. He celebrates.

Francine visits Roger’s bar in the attic and asks Roger how she can tell Stan that spanking turns her on. He says she can’t because Stan’s a square, and she’ll have to trick him to get him to spank her.

Later, Steve breaks another rule (he didn’t check the ball in a baseball game) and Francine tells Stan to spank him, except that she’ll take all of Steve’s spankings because his breaking the rules reflects her poor parenting. He spanks her, as she continues to intentionally break rules, and she loves it.

Stan catches her breaking a window and realizes that Francine has been setting up Steve so she’d get spanked. She tells him to spank her in the bedroom, and he says that it’s sinful and he will never do it. So he banishes her into the woods.

2 days later, he goes to pick her up from the woods, hoping she’s repented. When he finds her, she says that Stan is repressed and she refuses to come home until he opens up. He refuses and leaves her in the woods.

Later that night, Snot and Hayley return from their date, and Hayley admits that she wasn’t looking forward to the date, but she ended up having fun. She says she’ll call him. Steve congratulates Snot, but he says that he’s not that interested in her. He was more interested in the hunt.

Stan visits Roger’s bar, asking for food since Francine has been in the wood for 3 days. Stan wishes she’d stop being a sexual deviant and come home, but Roger says that everyone has a kink, and he just has to find his.

Roger leads Stan through a musical number exploring various kinks. Stan realizes that he has a kink: all of them.

Stan rushes into the woods to find Francine, eager to tell her about his kinks. He spanks her, and she is happy to see him again. He says that he has some things he wants her to do to him, and they’ll need supplies. Including a dead bird.

At school, Snot ignores yet another phone call from Hayley. Steve tells Snot to break up with her gently so she won’t blame herself. He agrees.

Stan and Francine go supply hunting, and Francine is beginning to have second thoughts about some of Stan’s kinks. As they talk, the candle he ordered is ready; the largest candle in the world.

Snot confronts Hayley, who is eagerly learning about his Jewish culture. He tells her that he’s gay, and he thanks her for confirming it for him. He says she’s the perfect woman.

Stan and Francine receive the last of their supplies; hungry prairie dogs. And Principal Lewis arrives to watch.

That night, they begin their sexual escapade, crazy props included. After a montage of reaction faces from the principal and his friend, Francine walks out. She goes to Roger’s bar, afraid that she’s created a monster. Roger says he knows what to do. He lubes himself up and intercepts.

In the hospital, Stan recovers from his butt injury. Francine apologizes for pushing Stan, and she says she’s happy with missionary sex. Roger, still stuck inside Stan, chimes in.

Later, Francine joins a female softball league in order to get her fill of spankings.