'American Dad' Season 8, Episode 11: 'Max Jets' Recap

'American Dad'  Season 8, Episode 11: 'Max Jets' Recap

American Dad”: season 8, episode 11: “Max Jets”

The family goes out to eat, but Stan tries to cut down on costs, being the only one in the family that works. They all agree. Roger changes tracks by saying “Max Jets” is getting released from prison tomorrow.

At the prison, Roger sneaks in and reveals himself to be Max Jets the whole time.

Back at home, Klaus is annoyed that the family keeps playing along with the Max Jets charade. They point out that he’s loaded, so that makes him more bearable, as he tends to give them loads of money (that he gains by blackmailing Bill Gates).

He treats them all to diner. They reveal that he’s paid all their bills. He orders them everything off the menu. He says that prison has changed him. Hayley asks if that means he’s going to donate all his money to charity, but Francine quickly chops her in the throat, causing her to choke. He says he’s going to spend it on the family.

Back at home, the family packs for a trip to Spain. But Max Jets tells them to cancel everything, because he met a new woman, Gina (the waitress from the restaurant). He spoils her, and the family is suspicious. They figure they have to get rid of Gina before she uses up all of Max’s money.

Later on, each family member takes time to try and convince Max one-on-one that Gina is just after him for his money, but Stan is very blunt and tells him she’s a gold digger. Max is insulted, claiming Gina hasn’t asked for a single cent, and that she just wants to sing. He takes Stan into the (former) basement, which he had converted into a recording studio for her (she can’t sing).

At the beach, Max hopes to show the family Gina’s good side. They are very standoffish towards her. Francine tells them to kiss before Gina runs off to play volleyball, and she hesitantly agrees. She holds her breath and kisses Max before getting sick.

Hayley points out Gina on the volleyball court, where a group of muscly beach guys take off her top and play with her. Max says he’s going to get to the bottom of it, and marches out there, only to propose to Gina.

Back at home, the family has a secret meeting, trying to figure out how to remain the sole beneficiaries on Max’s will. Francine says they have to kill Gina. But Hayley points out that Max would know it was them, and cut them off anyway. Steve says that they have to kill Max before he can add Gina to the will. Klaus points out that Max is Roger, so they’d actually be killing Roger… and they all seem okay with that.

During the wedding preparations, Stan and Francine learn how much Max is wasting (of their money) on the wedding, making them want to kill him even faster. Stan, being a trained assassin, says he’ll do it for an extra 30% of the inheritance. Everyone wants the extra money, so they all volunteer to kill him.

That night, Steve drops some deadly scorpions in Max’s soup, Hayley delicately balances a toaster on the edge of his bathtub, and Francine replaces his oxygen with some deadly gas. They all spot each other trying to kill him and get into an argument. This causes a fight to break out, and Francine is knocked out by the poison gas, Hayley is knocked into the tub with the toaster, and Steve falls down the stairs.

Stan walks up the stairs, calling them all amateurs, and brings out a pillow he’s going to smother Max with… but he’s distracted by the soup. He goes to drink it when a scorpion pops out and stings him in the head. He passes out.

The next morning, the family wakes up while the wedding is happening. They rush to stop the wedding, but it’s too late. They’re already married.

At the reception, the family calls Gina a gold digger, but she reveals that she signed a prenuptial agreement that will prevent her from inheriting anything when Max dies. The Smith family all say what horrible people they are, and vow never to let money get between them again.

Max and Gina cut the cake, but as Max enjoys his piece, he drops dead. The Smith family celebrates, complete with a song and dance.

After the funeral, at the will reading, the Smiths find that Max left all his money to his son “Jerry Jets” (another Roger disguise), who appears with Gina. They reveal that they started having an affair while Max was still alive. Gina convinced Max to patch things up with Jerry and leave him all the money, and then she poisoned the cake, which killed him. They leave together.

At the restaurant, the Smith family is ordering free meals when Roger appears. They ask about Gina and Jerry, but Gina apparently was evil and killed Jerry for his money.

The family question how Max Jets and Jerry Jets, who were Roger the whole time, can be killed while Roger is still alive.

“You know what? I would love, LOVE, to explain all of it to you, but we’re out of time.”