Alyssa Milano Turns on Michael Avenatti After Arrest

Alyssa Milano Turns on Michael Avenatti After Arrest

There's very little information available so far about the domestic violence arrest of lawyer Michael Avenatti, but that's not stopping his one-time ally Alyssa Milano from turning on him. He has been officially disavowed by the actress, and that's that. Read on for details.

Via Page Six.

Alyssa Milano dumped her former comrade Michael Avenatti on Wednesday after reports that he was arrested on Los Angeles for domestic violence.

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“Totally disgusting,” the actress tweeted. “And before anyone asks me, yes, I’m disavowing Avenatti. I do not care what side he’s on. #Basta”

Milano and Avenatti appeared together for a protest against President Trump outside the White House in July.

Avenatti, a lawyer for Trump’s alleged ex-mistress, Stormy Daniels, was arrested by the LAPD on suspicion of domestic violence Wednesday.

He allegedly left a woman’s face “swollen and bruised,” according to TMZ.

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

Do you think Alyssa is right to speak out against Avenatti? Let us know in the comments below.