Alternate Ending to 'Mad Men' Will Make You Snort-Laugh

Alternate Ending to 'Mad Men' Will Make You Snort-Laugh

"Mad Men" is finally over, and some are saying that the Golden Age of television has ended with it. But even if that's true, at least we have this video.

The ambiguous ending to "Mad Men" has led to much discussion about what happened to Don Draper. Did he return to his life and make that commercial? Or did he stay in his new life in California and hug strangers a lot?

We're betting on the former, but secretly we're hoping for the latter.

More than that, though, we hope that this alternate ending to the show makes it into the DVD release. The hilarious video imagines an alternate ending to the series, this time with a different commercial.

Gone are the singing, multi-cultural choir of Coke drinkers, replaced with...well, we won't spoil the surprise. But chances are good that you'll recognize this jingle.