All of 'Breaking Bad' on Netflix at Last

All of 'Breaking Bad' on Netflix at Last Netflix and "Breaking Bad" have worked very well together to this point. With most of the series available for streaming on the service, Netflix has been able to point out that it offers its subscribers one of the hottest shows on TV in recent years, and "Breaking Bad" gets easy access to millions of potential new viewers. There's been a hole in the relationship, though: the last half of the show's final season has not been available for streaming. That's about to change.

Netflix has announced that the final eight episodes of "Breaking Bad" will become available on Feb. 24. That's good news for viewers in the US who have been waiting for the chance to finish their binge viewing of the entire series; Netflix subscribers in the UK were able to watch the final episodes almost immediately after they aired. Ratings for those final episodes were huge when they were originally broadcast, and they've been a glaring omission from Netflix's catalog.

The other half of Netflix's "Breaking Bad"-themed news this week was the announcement that the spin-off series "Better Call Saul" will be available for streaming sometime after it airs on AMC. No word on how many months equals "sometime."