Alec Baldwin Reacts to Mean Tweet from Donald Trump

Alec Baldwin Reacts to Mean Tweet from Donald Trump

Many Twitter users have questioned why Donald Trump can get away with posting abusive and threatening tweets that would get an ordinary troll banned from the platform. Twitter explains that tweets from the president are "newsworthy" even if they technically violate Twitter's terms of service, but that excuse doesn't satisfy those who think the president of the United States should be held to a higher standard than the run of the mill troll, not a lower one.

In the meantime, if Trump is allowed to continue his social-media attacks, at least the targets can have fun reacting to them. That's what happened this week on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Via USA Today.

Gal Gadot, Dave Chappelle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kristen Bell, both Jennifers — Aniston and Lawrence — and more celebrities were the targets of "Mean Tweets" in the latest installment of the popular Jimmy Kimmel Live! segment.

Per usual, the tweets in the NSFW clip were harsh. Apparently, one member of the Twitterverse would "like nothing more than to sock (Jake Gyllenhaal) in his ugly, soft, starry-eyed pug face." Another user feels, "Jennifer Aniston is what happens when a bag of flour gets its big break."

One antagonistic tweet came from someone odds are you're quite familiar with. Ever heard of President Trump? Saturday Night Live Trump impersonator, Alec Baldwin, read the commander-in-chief's critical words.

"@realDonaldTrump writes, 'Just tried watching Saturday Night Live — unwatchable!'" Baldwin shared. "'Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad.'"

Get the rest of the story at USA Today.

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