Alec Baldwin Lashes Out at Social Media Followers

Alec Baldwin Lashes Out at Social Media Followers

Just because Alec Baldwin posts something on social media doesn't mean it's any of your business. The former 30 Rock star lashed out at Instagram followers this week when they questioned one of his posts. One commenter was curious how Baldwin's wife, Hilaria, could have given birth to two children five months apart. Baldwin shot back in his characteristically angry, defensive (and profane) tone. Read on for details.

Via Page Six.

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin are happy to share the exciting news of their surprise sixth child—just don’t ask about it.

As Page Six reported, the Baldwins are keeping quiet on the details surrounding the birth of baby No. 6, though many assume the couple used a surrogate or adopted, as 37-year-old Hilaria gave birth to their fifth child, Edu, in September.

A fan took to the comments section of the former “30 Rock” star’s photo post and asked Alec to provide an explanation, otherwise it appears that they’re “begging for clickbait.”

“Who’s the mother? She wasn’t pregnant. She gave birth six months ago. If it was a surrogate just say that,” the commenter wrote. “If the baby was adopted just say that. If the baby was the product of an affair and you’ve decided to raise it with your wife just say that. If you don’t want to say anything – why don’t you both stop constantly posting and begging for clickbait. Just raise you 100 children in private.”

True to form, angry Alec snapped back.

“You should shut the f–k up and mind your own business,” he wrote.

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

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