Alec Baldwin Defends Woody Allen Against Molestation Accusations

Alec Baldwin Defends Woody Allen Against Molestation Accusations

Saturday Night Live star Alec Baldwin is an outspoken supporter of Woody Allen, going so far as to imply that Allen's adopted daughter is lying when she accuses him of molesting her when she was a child. Dylan Farrow, Allen's adopted daughter with actress Mia Farrow, claims that Allen sexually abused her when she was very young, but in a tweet over the weekend, Baldwin compared Dylan Farrow to a fictional character who lied about being raped.

Allen has denied molesting Dylan Farrow, but he indisputably had a sexual relationship with another of Mia Farrow's adopted daughters, Soon Yi Previn. Allen had a sexual relationship with Previn while he was married to Farrow and later married Previn.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

Alec Baldwin on Sunday continued to defend embattled director Woody Allen, who has been dogged by sexual abuse claims against him by adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow.

Previously, Baldwin called her allegations “unfair and sad.” On Sunday, he took it a step further and compared Dylan Farrow to Mayella Ewell, the character in the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird, who falsely accuses an African-American man of rape.

"[One] of the most effective things Dylan Farrow has in her arsenal is the 'persistence of emotion,'" Baldwin tweeted. "Like Mayella in ["To Kill a Mockingbird"], her tears/exhortations [are] meant [to] shame u [into] belief in her story. But I need more than that before I destroy [someone], regardless of their fame. I need a lot more."

Baldwin followed that tweeted shortly after with: "To say that @RealDylanFarrow is telling the truth is to say that (brother) @MosesFarrow is lying. Which of Mia’s kids got the honesty gene and which did not?" He also shared a Sunday New York Times piece that discussed whether Allen would work in the business again.

Baldwin concluded with, "If my defense of Woody Allen offends you, it’s real simple. Unfollow. Condemn. Move on."

Dylan Farrow on Sunday responded to Baldwin's comments with a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.

“It’s interesting that Mr. Baldwin chooses to dismiss the judgments of Justice Wilk and Prosecutor Frank Maco, who reviewed ALL of the evidence instead of just selected bits and pieces," she said in her statement. "However, considering that Mr. Baldwin confidently invoked Mayella Ewell to make his point while forgetting that it’s been hotly debated that she was, in fact, raped by her father, demonstrates that perhaps Baldwin is just not a stickler for details.”

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

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