Alec Baldwin Booted from American Airlines Flight Thanks to 'Words with Friends'

Alec Baldwin Booted from American Airlines Flight Thanks to 'Words with Friends' Let this serve as a warning to those just entering the world of Words With Friends: it's addictive. So much so, in fact, that it might get you kicked off of your flight.

That is supposedly what happened to Alec Baldwin today, as the "30 Rock" star (and some of his fellow passengers) tweeted about an incident that resulted in Baldwin getting booted off the plane and bumped to a later flight.

Baldwin told the story this way, through his tweets: "Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving. #nowonderamericaairisbankrupt," he began, before adding, "Last flight w American. Where retired Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950's find jobs as flight attendants," along with the hashtag #thereisalwaysunited."

Other passengers, however, told a slightly different version of the events. THR reports that Michael J. Wolf, a former COO of MTV who was also on the plane, tweeted, "On an AA flight at LAX. Alec Baldwin removed from the plane We had to go back to the gate. Terrible that everyone had to wait."

So was Baldwin simply playing the Scrabble-esque game (available on Android and iPhone!) while the plane was still at the gate, or had the plane hit the runway and then turned around and gone back? The reports are a bit muddy, to say the least.

Plus, there had to be more to it than just Baldwin playing a little WWF, right? How many times have you seen a fellow passenger on a plane still using their iPod or other small device when the flight attendants aren't looking? If using an electronic device when it wasn't allow was the only thing Baldwin did wrong, then it seems pretty clear that it was his celebrity that turned it into a big deal.

There might be something to that: after all, Leisha Hailey (star of "The L Word") was kicked off of a Southwest Airlines flight for kissing her girlfriend. That situation was a bit suspect as well, as it was unclear whether Hailey was actually exhibiting inappropriate levels of PDA, or if the Southwest attendants were just being a bunch of bigots.

At least the irony of the situation wasn't lost on Baldwin: "But, oddly, 30 Rock plays inflight on American," he noted. I guess those flight attendants are going to have to deal with him anyway.

UPDATE: It appears there was more to it than just word play. TMZ reports that after the phone incident, Baldwin got out of his seat and slammed the door to the lavatory so loud that the captain heard it in the cockpit. That's a good way to get kicked off a plane, certainly more so than playing a little Words with Friends.