Alec Baldwin Attacks Twitter Users Who Outed His Wife's Real Nationality

Alec Baldwin Attacks Twitter Users Who Outed His Wife's Real Nationality

Alec Baldwin, former star of 30 Rock, took to Instagram to defend his wife from social media users who have discovered that her past claims of having been born and raised in Spain are false. Despite the fact that Hilaria Baldwin herself has admitted that she was actually born in Boston (and that her real name is Hillary), Alec claimed in his posted video that the social media gossip is untrue. Read on for details.

Via Page Six.

Alec Baldwin trashed the Twitter user who questioned his wife’s claim of Spanish heritage in a bizarre rant on Instagram Sunday, comparing her to “used coasters with the rings on them and the stains on them.”

The 62-year-old “30 Rock” star also took aim at Twitter, where Leni Briscoe started a thread Monday that questioned Hilaria Baldwin’s claim she was born in Mallorca.

“Just a lot of s—t,” Alec Baldwin said on Instagram. “You have to kind of hack your way through the debris of Twitter. Twitter is just a vast orchard of crap.

“And I have certainly slung some crap in that orchard myself every now and then with things I’ve said. So, that’s not lost on me that I’m guilty of that as well.”

“But I would publicly dump Twitter tomorrow,” he said.

The online firestorm started with Briscoe’s posts Monday questioning Hilaria Baldwin’s fluctuating accent and past claims she was born in Spain and raised in Boston.

“You have to admire Hilaria Baldwin’s commitment to her decade long grift where she impersonates a Spanish person,” Briscoe wrote.

The viral exposé prompted a post on Instagram earlier on Sunday in which she admitted that she was actually born in Boston and that her name is “Hillary.”

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

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