Al Franken Attacks Trump on Bill Maher's Show

Al Franken Attacks Trump on Bill Maher's Show

Sen. Al Franken visited Real Time with Bill Maher Friday night for the first time since canceling his appearance on the show over Bill Maher's widely criticized use of a racial slur.

On the Aug. 18 episode, Franken and Maher sat down to discuss this week in politics, namely the backlash President Trump faced for his reaction to the race-fueled rally and counter protests in Charlottesville on Aug. 12.

When asked by Maher what took other Republicans so long to speak out against Trump, Franken joked, "I've known for weeks that Trump is a terrible president."

Maher openly questioned whether Trump's response to Charlottesville would serve as a "turning point" for how people from both political parties view the president, or if it would be just another incident "sewn into his horror quilt."

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Bill Maher faced criticism for using a racial slur on his show earlier this year.