'Agents of SHIELD' Ties Series Low Ratings, Stan Lee to Cameo

'Agents of SHIELD' Ties Series Low Ratings, Stan Lee to Cameo The good news for "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." is that the ratings for its mid-season premiere episode were equal to those of its last original episode before the mid-season break. The bad news is that the ratings for both episodes matched a low point for the series, which has seen steadily declining ratings since its impressive debut.

There was also news this week that Marvel founder Stan Lee will play a role in an upcoming episode, most likely the one scheduled to air on Feb. 4. Lee suggested that he'd be playing a "big role," but given that Lee's acting chops are questionable and that his many appearances in other Marvel Universe properties have been mere cameos, there's some question of just how "big" the role will be.

There's also some question of how much audience interest the announcement will generate. The series has teased tie-ins with the broader Marvel Universe numerous times in the past, but those events—a few split-second glimpses of "Avengers" superheroes, a plot that was related to that of "Thor: The Dark World," and a brief appearance by Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury character—have largely disappointed viewers.

Meanwhile, "Agents" has lost ground against its Tuesday-night competition. Once the easy leader in the 18-49 demographic, the series now regularly takes second place to "NCIS" and is often only a few steps ahead of "The Biggest Loser."