Adam West's Sex Life Was Outrageous

Adam West's Sex Life Was Outrageous

Holy family viewing, Batman — it turns out the Caped Crusader’s fetching satin pants spent a lot of time on the floor.

Adam West, who died on Saturday at age 88, became a TV legend for his camped-up portrayal of the hero in the ’60s.

But behind the mask was a sex-mad actor who slept with up to eight women a night — and turned to booze when the show was axed.

He and co-star Burt Ward, who played sidekick Robin, also romped with eager groupies in their dressing rooms in between scenes.

In fact, West discovered the only limits to his bedroom batpowers were those caused by his famous costume.

The actor explained years later: “Because of the physical limitations of the costume, you gotta have quickies.”

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Adam West also had a regular voice-acting role on Family Guy.