Adam Levine Defends Christina Aguilera

Adam Levine Defends Christina Aguilera It might seem like Adam Levine and Christina Aguilera aren’t fans of each other on “The Voice,” but Levine is stepping in to defend his co-star against the recent barrage of negative comments flying her way.

Aguilera has been in the spotlight recently for her weight gain. While the singer claims, "I've always been one to make it very clear, love me or hate me, take it or leave it, this is who I am. I embrace my body, and I embrace everything about myself,” she can’t seem to shake the negative comments.

American Horror Story” actor Levine spoke to People about the issue. "The fights that everyone thought we were having were fictional. We never hated each other. We never had these secret battles that everyone thought we were having…

"The one thing about the culture right now, celebrity culture particularly, is people feel like they can just say nasty things about other people whether it's Christina or whether it's me. She gets a lot and it pisses me off. Of course I have her back and of course I defend her."

Levine added, “It’s not cool. I've never liked it. I think it's horrible and I'll totally defend her when people say things like that because it's no one's business."


Not everyone is against X-Tina. A dating website for “curvy” girls has made her a very impressive offer if she’ll step in as spokeswoman.

But in the appearance-scrutinizing industry of Hollywood, it’s hard to escape negativity… Especially when everyone with a Facebook or Twitter thinks the world wants to hear their opinion. It’s refreshing to hear a woman fighting back against negativity, while other stars like Christina Hendricks are actively shirking labels about their size.

And it certainly doesn’t hurt Levine’s cuteness factor that he is stepping in to defend her.