Adam Carolla Apologizes for LGBT Comments

Adam Carolla Apologizes for LGBT Comments The more comedians pull this stunt, the less convinced I become that it's not so much poor judgment as calculated risk.

Everybody's pretty much over the Michael Richards flap years later, right? We've all heard enough Tracy Morgan "I need my '30 Rock' money like a crackhead needs a rock" Mea culpas, right?

Well, that only means one thing: some other moderately funny comedian had better step up and generate more outrage!

This time, it's former "Loveline" and "The Man Show" co-host Adam Carolla - you know, that guy from "The Man Show" that's not Jimmy Kimmel. According to TMZ, Carolla has issued an apology for the latest round in a string of anti-gay remarks spouted off on his "Adam Carolla Show" podcast.

Carolla apparently wondered aloud, ""When did we start giving a sh*t about these [transgendered] people?" He also offered up the not-so-helpful suggestion that the LGBT acronym should be swapped out, in favor of what he considers the much more descriptive "YUCK."

Two years ago, he also mouthed off that gay parents "weren't as good" as two heterosexual parents.

Think his former "Loveline" hetero life-mate Dr. Drew Pinsky even raised an eyebrow at this? I have doubts.

"I'm sorry my comments were hurtful," Carolla told TMZ. "I'm a comedian, not a politician."

GLAAD had already spoken out against the comedian, saying that "the gross intolerance that [Adam] tries to pass off as comedy should not have a place on our airwaves."

And as usual, here's the part where GLAAD picks the wrong battle.

"...Should not have a place on our airwaves?" It's a podcast. High schoolers and collegiate hipsters produce hundreds if not thousands a week completely independently with little more than a couple Skype headsets and Macbooks, and most are distributed completely free of charge. They can do that because they never really "air" anywhere, except through people's ear buds and computer speakers.

They may not like it, and they're anything but appropriate remarks in any forum. But considering that he doesn't really need anybody's dime or time but his own to produce and distribute it, this is like making a stink about restroom grafitti.

It's some impressive posturing - despite the "airwaves" part suggesting that maybe the particularly spokesperson understands podcasts about as much about podcasts as the Insane Clown Posse understand magnets - but ultimately, what the hell would they have done if he hadn't apologized? Sent Rosie O'Donnell to f*** up Carolla's computer?

Pick your battles, kids.