ABC Officially Names Sean Lowe Next 'Bachelor'

ABC Officially Names Sean Lowe Next 'Bachelor' When ABC's door closes, the lock can sometimes be picked.

Sean Lowe's efforts to woo his way into the arms of Emily Maynard on 2012's cycle of "The Bachelorette" didn't pan out. But, lucky for him, ABC hardly rules out second chances.

To make up for the one that got away, ABC has announced today that Lowe will have his pick of more than 20 beauties as the next focal point of "The Bachelor."

As a matter of fact, Lowe has already begun shooting at ABC's standard, palatial Los Angeles mansion.

Lowe reportedly met his "Mrs. Lowe" hopefuls just last night. Hours before limo after limo of formally attired gorgeous women pulled up to the front door through which dreams of whirlwind come true (or are dashed in infamous fashion), Texas insurance salesman and fitness model Lowe tweeted some choice words from The Bible on the fires Love can march through.

For ABC's two primetime-love franchises, letting a jilted contestant have the next pick of the litter on an ensuing season has become standard operating procedure. In 2011, Ashley Hebert was ABC's "Bachelorette" a season after being passed over by two-time Bachelor Brad Womack in favor of Maynard. After coming in runner-up to J.P. Rosenbaum in the race to Hebert's hand, Ben Flajnik was ABC's next Bachelor.

Maynard was annointed 2012's Bachelorette after a tabloid-grabbing breakup with Womack. Lowe will be the first Bachelor/Bachelorette in a few seasons to not have been a finale contestant.