5 Questions for when 'The Walking Dead' Returns

5 Questions for when 'The Walking Dead' Returns With last week's smoke-filled midseason finale over, we now have to wait until early 2013 for "The Walking Dead" to continue its third season. The finale left quite a few questions unanswered, so let's take a look at the big head scratchers to think about for the show's return.

1. Will Merle and Darryl make it?

When we last left the newly-reunited brothers, they were surrounded by an angry mob and an even angrier Governor, who had just falsely accused Merle of leading Rick's group into Woodbury. That's going to be a tough spot to wiggle out of, even for two of the show's most badass survivors.

But Darryl is probably safe, if only because he's a fan favorite. In fact, he's one of few likeable characters left on this show. So Darryl should make it out okay...but what of Merle? He's been quite the jerk lately, especially to one of the other few likeable characters (Glenn), so it might be time for him to finally croak. And plus, wouldn't it be great if he sacrificed himself for his little brother?

2. Is Rick still crazy?

Rick's little zombie rampage and phone conversation with a bunch of dead people didn't happen that long ago, so you had to wonder if he was really doing okay. Then he rushed Woodbury and, in the heat of the battle, thought he saw Shane walking toward him. Considering Shane is dead, that's not a great sign.

So is Rick still off his rocker? It looks like he will still be dealing with the lives he's taken and the humanity he's lost as we enter the second half of season three. And if he is, and he's still a bit insane, then we have to ask...

3. Will Rick still be leader?

If Rick is still crazy, and if that craziness starts to affect his judgement, the rest of the crew might catch on. And when they do, they might decide a change of leadership is the best option. So, assuming Darryl makes it, could he be the new leader? Or could Carl, who is showing some good (if not harsh) judgement with the new group, take over?

Speaking of that new group...

4. Who are these new guys?

We were introduced to a new band of survivors in this midseason finale, who seem to be pretty close-knit and generally pretty good people. Unfortunately for them, one of their people has been bitten and Carl locked them all in the side room until they kill her. To be fair, he offered to do it himself.

So, who are these guys and how long will they stick around? Unlike the group of prisoners, there don't seem to be any bad eggs, so they could fit in with Rick and Company. But that might present a problem for the show, as it had trouble focusing on everyone back in the days of the farm due to there being just too many characters.

5. What will the Governor do?

Now that he's had his eye stabbed out by Michonne, the Governor has an eyepatch and a renewed sense of malice to go along with it. His charming exterior has given way to a more militaristic approach, as seen by his way of dealing with Darryl and Merle.

So, how will he take revenge on the prison? He certainly has the firepower to launch an attack after ambushing that military convoy, and he's said that he wants to take the fight to them. But will Rick, Glenn, Maggie and Michonne make it back in time? Will they stick around Woodbury in an attempt to save Darryl? Will Carl just fight off the Governor and his men all by himself?

We'll find out when "The Walking Dead" returns February 10 on AMC.