'30 Rock' Season 6, Episode 3 Recap - 'Idiots Are People, Three!'

'30 Rock' Season 6, Episode 3 Recap - 'Idiots Are People, Three!' When we last left the gang of "30 Rock," Jack was getting into Liz's head about Kriss, Tracy was staging a protest over Liz's use of the word "idiot," and Jenna and Kenneth were caught in the strangest storyline ever. And guess what? In this second part of the two-parter, it got even stranger.

It's not as though "30 Rock" is a show that is always based in reality. After all, we also have Denise Richards in the episode as the celebrity spokesperson for idiots (okay, so maybe that's a little more accurate than Ms. Richards might like). But when we end up with Jenna and Kenneth bringing in Kelsey Grammer to stage a fully improvised one-man show about Abraham Lincoln to distract all of the crew members so they can move an unconscious Pete to his office and make it look like he was asphyxiating himself while masturbating, all because Jenna needed a new lightbulb, thing have reached a whole new level of strange.

On the more reality-based side of things, Devin (Will Arnett) shows up again with some new dirt to blackmail Jack into doing what he wants: getting his triplets (the gaybies) into the finest private preschool in New York. Only after Jack pulls all of his favors does he realize that he didn't save any for his own daughter. But the message of the episode is that "greatness can come from anywhere," as Jack came from being a poor kid in Boston.

Mostly, the thing that makes this episode great is the reappearance of Arnett. The subtleties (or lack thereof, sometimes) that he throws into scenes are often strokes of genius. His fake laughing at bad jokes? Genius. His "Hey you. Hey funny," to Kathy (after she comes out of her "Calming Box")? Also genius.

I just haven't decided yet if the storyline with Kenneth, Jenna and Kelsey is the best thing the show has ever done, or the worst. It's one of the two.

Notes & Quotes:


-"We're called Peen"
"What's that an acronym for?"

-"The National Association for Zero Intolerance, or NAZI... we should change that."

-"I played a nucular psychiatrist in a James Bonk movie."

-"If anyone notices, we're dead."

-Liz seeing herself as a jedi princess. Amazing.

-The microphones at the idiot rally are from the Today Show, Spike TV and Fox News. Zing!

Frank's hats of the week: "Volunteer Pilot"