'30 Rock' Season 6, Episode 2 Recap - 'Idiots Are People Two!'

'30 Rock' Season 6, Episode 2 Recap - 'Idiots Are People Two!' If you were wondering how far into the season "30 Rock" was going to go before referencing Tracy Morgan's offensive stand-up meltdown in which he offended the gay community and pretty much everyone everywhere by saying he would kill his son if he found out he was gay, the answer is two episodes.

"Idiots Are People, Two!" dove right into the debacle in a way that only this show can: with wit and grace. The rather genius premise is this: Tracy Jordan said some really dumb stuff (severely toned down from Morgan's comments, of course) about the gay community, which prompts Liz to cover up by telling everyone not to worry, Tracy's just an idiot.

That of course angers the idiot community, and Tracy begins a protest with all of them. That includes investment bankers, angry old bitches, anti-vaccination crusaders and people who won't shut up about scuba diving, to name a few. They're also lead by the celebrity spokesperson for the idiots, Denise Richards, who is an incredibly good sport in all this.

Meanwhile, Liz has to deal with Jack trying to pry into her personal life and her relationship with her new boyfriend Criss, played by James Marsden. Yes, that's the correct spelling: no H, two S's. And that's just one of many things that Jack finds wrong with him, which allows him to get in Liz's head and start making her pick poor Criss apart, detail by detail.

Kenneth and Jenna, meanwhile, end up in some side storyline involving putting new lightbulbs in Jenna's dressing room. This storyline confuses and angers me. What is happening here? But they do call Kelsey Grammer to help, which can only mean good things.

But at the end of the day, the whole thing gets thrown to a two-parter, so hopefully everything will clear up then. And surely we'll see more of Grammer, who only had a couple of lines here. And how did Pete end up with a bag over his head in his office with his pants down? Ah, life's great mysteries.

Notes & Quotes:

-"You want a smiley face?" "German flag please!"

-"NBC!" "Over it!"

-"Lemon, I've said 'good god' to you before but I don't think I've ever meant it until now GOOD GOD."