'30 Rock' Season 6, Episode 13 Recap - 'Grandmentor'

'30 Rock' Season 6, Episode 13 Recap - 'Grandmentor' If you were wondering whether Hazel, played by Kristin Schaal, would be getting a bigger role now that Kenneth is out of his page job, the answer is yes... for now.

Hazel played a big part in "Grandmentor," as Liz takes her under her wing to mentor her as a woman in the working world. She quickly finds, though, that this whole mentorship thing isn't all that easy, especially when Hazel's boyfriend Razmig cheats on her but Hazel refuses to follow Liz's mentorly advice and dump him.

Eventually, Liz learns the right touch: sometimes you have to let the fail, just like Jack let Liz fail when she thought it was a great idea to perform at the Apollo.

Hazel, meanwhile, faces off with Kenneth, who keeps trying to tell Hazel how to do her job as far as Tracy is concerned. She feeds him junk food, takes him off his meds, and lets him buy a crossbow, all of which nearly gives Kenneth a heart attack. Eventually, Kenneth ends up quitting his job at standards & practices in order to take care of Tracy. Is Kenneth a page again? Or will he get another job in the company?

Finally, Jack worries about Avery and the lack of media coverage about her kidnapping. Jenna has an idea: make a made-for-TV movie about it... all the other kidnapped women she's played have been released. But the two run into trouble when Jack doesn't want to cast Jenna as Avery (understandable). It's all resolved in the end, and the next episode will have us seeing the making of this TV movie. That should be fun.

Notes & Quotes:

- "The male gaze." "Yeah, they're all a bunch of gays."

- "...or I'll tell everyone your real name, Steel Hammerhands!"

- "At best you're a featured extra with no lines."

- "We're on a show within a show! My real name is Tracy Morgan!"

- "That's a nice story, but I didn't hear my name in it... finally."