21st Century Fox Investigating Bill O'Reilly for Sexual Harassment

21st Century Fox Investigating Bill O'Reilly for Sexual Harassment

Fox News’ parent company, 21st Century Fox, has confirmed attorney Lisa Bloom’s assertion on CNN’s Reliable Sources today that it was investigating the sexual harassment claims made by her client against host Bill O’Reilly.

Bloom told CNN’s Brian Stelter that she was informed Friday about the investigation, though it wasn’t clear from her – or 21st Century Fox’s subsequent confirmation – whether the investigation is something new or had already been underway.

Bloom represents Wendy Walsh, the former The O’Reilly Factor guest who says she was promised a contributor gig only to have it evaporate after she rebuffed O’Reilly’s sexual advances.

After Bloom’s Reliable Sources appearance this morning, Stelter tweeted a statement from 21st Century Fox that it “investigates all complaints and we have asked the law firm Paul Weiss to continue assisting the company in these serious matters.”

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