'2 Broke Girls' Season 3, Episode 9: 'And the Pastry Porn' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 3, Episode 9: 'And the Pastry Porn' Recap Han catches Max and Caroline stealing his dishes. They admit things are getting really messy at home. They decide to ask Sophie about her cleaning service.

Caroline wants to leave when the cleaning lady arrives, but Max wants to stay and observe. Sophie comes and introduces cleaning lady, one-armed Paulina. Max wants to know how it happened, and Sophie admits she drove over Paulina's arm with her truck. The sassy lady gets to work.

Feeling bad, Caroline offers to help her, and they lift Max's mattress to flip it. They discover her 80's porn stash... and a brochure for a pastry school. Max is horrified.

Caroline finds Max drunk at the diner, hiding in her "new home" the closet. She wants to talk about the brochure, but Max tells her it's just as bad as the porn - a fantasy.

Caroline drags her to the office of the pastry school to get an application. As they're getting one, the gorgeous French Head Chef and owner Nicolas comes in. Caroline is immediately smitten. Nicolas tells them to fill out the application, make a classic tart, and bring it in the following day.

Max struggles for six hours with her tart, overwhelmed that a tart is not a cookie with pudding on it. She's panicking.

Finally, Max has created a tart. They bring it to the school for the tasting. Chef Nicolas enjoys it, especially for a first attempt. He tells the girls he will talk it over with his faculty.

Max returns the dishes she stole. Caroline brings in a letter from the pastry school. Max has everyone wait so she can read her acceptance letter... but as she reads it she realizes it is a rejection letter. She's furious. She storms off to go talk to Chef. He tells her the problem is her attitude - she didn't seem like she wanted to get in. She tells him she wants to go to the school more than anything, but she never gets things she wants so she didn't want to seem too hopeful. He agrees to let her in.

She's thrilled. Until she finds out she misread the tuition costs - she thought it was $3,000 a year, but it's $3,000 a unit. $24,000 a year. She can't afford it. Max storms off again, and Caroline begs the Chef to figure something out. She tells him she'll do anything to help Max live her dream. She demands a resolution.

At home, Max is burning her porn and her pastry school brochures in a trash can. Caroline tells her that she arranged a work study for school. She's still able to go. Caroline will actually be the one doing work - she will be helping out the overly stressed office assistant BeBe.