'2 Broke Girls' Season 3, Episode 8: 'And the It Hole' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 3, Episode 8: 'And the It Hole' Recap Max and Caroline's cupcake shop is doing really well, especially with the gay population. Probably because Max is catfishing on Grindr to draw them in.

Another day, Caroline comes into work, thrilled that she met a surfer guy. She gets a text from him, inviting her to a new trendy restaurant. Caroline gets Luis to cover for her the next day so she can go out with him.

Han overhears and wants to know how to make his diner the new "it" place. Unlikely.

Caroline is ready for her date, but she plans to take a car home, and Max tells her they can't afford it. Sophie comes in with mints and condoms for Caroline's date, who is 20 minutes late. Sophie informs her she is being stood up.

Caroline wonders if he's gotten confused and went to the restaurant. She calls to see if he is there, but he is not. She realizes she has been stood up for the first time ever.

Max and Caroline go to the restaurant anyway. It has a very old-timey feel. They are seated and order drinks. Caroline tries to order a soup without garlic, which indicates to Max that she is still waiting for the surfer to come. She tells Caroline he is for sure not coming, but the entire night Caroline remains optimistic.

An hour later, they're still waiting on their drinks from the pretentious waitress York. Max goes up to get them, where they sit on the edge of the bar, and get drinks for their neighboring tables. Max goes behind the bar and starts grabbing drinks, and serves them. She asks the man sitting alone at the bar to come and flirt with Caroline to cheer her up.

The man goes over and compliments Caroline, but then he gets a hit on his hook-up site and wanders off. Caroline realizes suddenly that she is a "b" as a woman. She thought she was an "a" the whole time. She is crushed.

They go to the diner, which is entirely empty (because of a possum in the men's room). Caroline is feeling a little better, and decides to adopt Max's pass/fail outlook on life rather than use letter grades. Sophie and Oleg come in to inform Caroline that the surfer Mike won't be surfing again any time soon... except that Caroline' date was named Mark. The gesture is still appreciated.