'2 Broke Girls' Season 3, Episode 5: 'And the Cronuts' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 3, Episode 5: 'And the Cronuts' Recap Caroline offers Han a cupcake, but he's on a juice cleanse, trying to keep it tight for the ladies. Caroline tries to give away her last cupcake as a promotion, but the girls insist they're saving their calories for a "cronut," because cupcakes are over.

It's a half croissant, half donut, from a pastry shop in Soho. Sophie comes in, proud she got one of the cronuts after waiting days in line to snag one. Caroline thinks they need to go check out the competition. They go and observe the line. Caroline pretends to be a trend researcher, and interviews those in line to try and find out why people are so nuts for the cronuts. Caroline decides it's the "two things put together" concept.

They wait in line for an extended time, but when they reach the front, the two people behind them take their spot, and of course the cronuts are sold out. Caroline notes that she saw online that there is black market for cronuts. She suggests they buy some, sell them at their window, and then switch people to cupcakes when they sell out.

They contact the black market cronut dude. He tries to up the price but Max scares him off.

They sell the cronuts at their window, bringing a line down the block. However, they sell out quickly. When Caroline announces to the group that they're gone, the entire line leaves. Depressed, Max dips her french fries in cupcake frosting. Caroline thinks perhaps she is onto something.

They sit down Oleg, Earl, and Han to do a taste test, as Sophie comes in with her new girlfriend Veronica (Sophie has decided to be bisexual to keep up with the trends). The group admits they are surprisingly tasty, though they don't sit well with Han after a week of only juice.

The girls sell the cake fries at their window... and sell out!