'2 Broke Girls' Season 3, Episode 4: 'And the Group Head' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 3, Episode 4: 'And the Group Head' Recap Han is mad at the girls for not having coffee ready when they come in, but they remind him the day waiter is the one in charge of that. They need to fire him, and get a better coffee maker.

Han tells them he already hired a new day waiter, and they need to train him. They go back and find Louis, the new guy, and introduce themselves. They like him, despite him warning them not to be friends with them. He's sassy and gay and has been a waiter for 27 years.

Caroline has it in her mind that Han might go halvsies with her for a cappuccino maker for their window. Oleg hears and tells them he can get them one cheap. Louis sees Oleg and is instantly smitten.

Oleg bursts in with the machine, clearly stolen. He says he'll give it to them for free for a favor - talk to Sophie and see if she wants to get back together with him.

Caroline lurks, waiting for Sophie, and brings her into the apartment, asking if she might ever consider getting back together with Oleg.  No go.

The girls try to figure out how to work the cappuccino machine, without the instructions. Han steps in to assist and burns himself. Oleg asks if they spoke to Sophie, but they admit that she isn't interested, and is sleeping with other men. Oleg goes into the closet to cry. Louis comes in, looking for Oleg, but they remind him he's straight, and ask if he knows how to work the machine. He does, but won't help them (boundaries). He used to work the same machine at Starbucks.

Caroline decides they need to get trained at Starbucks.

The two get hired in and begin their training, which is more complicated than they had hoped for. Neither are doing particularly well. Max draws a penis on a cup instead of a name, which their trainer notices, and they get fired before they can figure out how to work the machine.

They struggle at their shop, trying to work their own machine. Oleg walks past with a new girl he's "dating," and tells the girls to make sure Sophie knows. Louis is a little hurt to find out Oleg really is straight.

Luckily, Caroline has finally gotten the hang of the machine, and they can add drinks to their cupcake shop!