'2 Broke Girls' Season 3, Episode 24: 'And The First Degree' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 3, Episode 24: 'And The First Degree' Recap Caroline makes up a fake diploma for Max to celebrate the day she would have graduated from pastry school. She finds out that Max really didn't graduate from high school, which she always thought was a joke.

Later Caroline tells Max she called her old school and found out that Max only didn't graduate because she skipped one class final. She says Mr. Huck, her old history teacher, says she can come and take the test, and she can earn her diploma. Max is resistent, but Caroline already bought her a bus ticket. Finally Max gives in, since Caroline adds that Mr. Huck didn't think she would do it.

At the diner, Caroline and Oleg quiz Max on history so she can prep.

She and Caroline get on the bus and head to Rhode Island. They get to the high school and Max goes in to take her test with a kid named Hector. Caroline can't stay int he room, so she tells Max she's smart and can do it.

Max waits nervously for her grade. She gets a B. Mr. Huck is impressed. He tells her whatever Caroline did to help Max, it worked. Mr. Huck invites her to walk with the graduating class to get her diploma.

They get a crappy hotel room to wait for the next morning. Caroline suggests Max invite her mother to graduation, and dials the phone for her. Max angrily invites her via voicemail.

Max is ready for her graduation, and Caroline asks why Max didn't take the test originally. Max tells her that her mother took her out of school that day to go to the mall. Max's mother hasn't shown as the ceremony gets going.

Caroline sneaks out and calls her and leaves another voicemail yelling at her. She heads back in as everyone begins to walk, with parents and grandparents in the audience yelling excitedly for their children. Max walks, but no one yells for her... until Sophie, Earl, Oleg, and Han rush in, and begin howling.

On the way home Caroline admits she called them all. Max tells her that the day she skipped finals for the mall was a great day, and that it's okay that she didn't show up this time, because Caroline was there.