'2 Broke Girls' Season 3, Episode 10: 'And the First Day of School' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 3, Episode 10: 'And the First Day of School' Recap Caroline tries to figure out their schedule for work, cupcakes, and school.

At work, the group throws a surprise party for Max's first day of school. Tomorrow begins the first day of the rest of her life! They present her with a book bag for school, full of other supplies for class. Caroline, a little upset none of the attention is on her, continues to remind them that she'll be working at the school. Max is touched, but Caroline is not pleased none of the gifts are for her.

On the subway however, someone steals Max's nice new bag. A hot coffee also gets spilled on Caroline - and her newly dry-cleaned blouse.

Max arrives late to class. She hits it off immediately with a lippy male student.

Caroline goes to meet with Bebe regarding her new job. She realizes she has to get fresh juice for the entire staff and students. She is not thrilled with the task, especially performing it while in a stained shirt. She borrows one of Bebe's shirts - a dog's face.

She catches Max chatting with the "bad influence" guy and warns her that she needs to take class seriously. Chef Nic notices him goofing off and gives him a few minutes to himself in the hall. Max tries to focus but when Chef Nic talks about "master baking" she excuses herself to the hall as well.

The guy introduces himself as Deke. She tells him they can't be lab partners, because he'll be a bad influence.

At work, Caroline and Max fight over pastry school. Caroline doesn't want to do it anymore, but Max insists she continue. When she goes back into the dining room, there is another surprise party for her. They replace her book bag and Caroline explains that this shows good things will happen no matter what, and that everyone is rooting for Max.

Deke tries to convince Max to let him be her partner, but she refuses. She wants to stick with her large male partner. Deke even tries to tell Chef Nic that Max is being harassed.

Deke, a diabetic, ends up dropping, and Max is called as someone who can administer a needle. She injects him with insulin. Chef Nic tells Max to stay Deke's partner so she can help if this becomes a problem again. Caroline gets juice spilled on her in the chaos. Chef Nic gives her his jacket.

Max realizes Deke didn't take his insulin, knowing this would happen.