'2 Broke Girls' Season 2, Episode 9: 'And The New Boss' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 2, Episode 9: 'And The New Boss' Recap Max wants to run to the bathroom, so she asks Caroline to handle her section. Immediately a customer begins choking. Caroline panics, but Max comes out of the bathroom and calmly gives her the Heimlich.

The next day, Han is very upset. Caroline is late again, and Han isn’t okay with using the new cupcake shop as an excuse.

Caroline comes in, and Max loudly tells Han Caroline is in the kitchen. Caroline sneaks around until she manages to pop out and pretend she has been there the whole time.

Caroline tells Max how much she has left to do on the cupcake shop. Her idea is to get an intern. Max thinks she should not be the kind of person who has an intern. Andy comes in as Caroline and Max are arguing about that idea.

He wants to know if he gets to see Caroline after work but she tells him they have to paint. He volunteers to dance while they paint. He suggests that they get an intern, annoying Max. He tells them they need to set up rat traps at their shop, he saw droppings.

They interview interns. Max tries to chase them away, horrified of the idea of making someone do dirty work for free. Sophie comes in with a shop-warming flower. Oleg comes in with a box full of rat traps, and the most of the interns lingering about book it for the door.

Sophie wants to know why the shop is still so unappealing. Caroline tells her they have chairs and tables on hold at a junk yard. Sophie takes her flower back and tells them to call when they have a real business.

They get it narrowed down to ditzy Ruth, and take her on as the intern.

Max and Caroline work on painting their shop. Max tells Caroline she sucks at painting, and Caroline tells her she sucks at making the intern do work—Ruth is at a concert, and they’re stuck doing all the work again.

Caroline wonders if she can call Andy and tell him she’s too tired to get together that night but decides it’s too early to duck out on sex.

A rat scurries across the room. They shriek and try to find it, freaking ot.

“What should we do, should we call the cops?”

Caroline, in a weird moment of strength, charges it, and attacks it with the paint roller, killing it.

“I just got a glimpse of you at a Barney’s sample sale.”

Later, Caroline and Andy are fooling around when Caroline’s shrieking brings Max running into the room.

“Your sex voice is the same as your murder voice!”

Ruth shows up, despite it being 2am, to give Max her enema—a rite of passage Caroline had to deal with in her school days. Ruth gives her the bag of enemas, but Max chickens out on telling her off. Or making her perform it.

At the shop, Caroline steps in and tells Ruth to put the rat traps down because Max can’t seem to do it.

They go to the junk yard and gather their chairs and table. Ruth was supposed to be there, but she is MIA. She texts Ruth on Max’s phone, being firm, but Max thinks she’s being a tool. Ruth texts back she isn’t feeling well and can’t show up. Caroline tells Max she has to fire her.

Caroline gets an accidental text from Ruth, insulting them and planning to meet someone at a bar. They argue about who has to fire her. Max refuses.

They go to grab the tables and a swarm of rats comes out from underneath. Caroline falls into them, becoming trapped under a large piece of metal and Max rushes to her aid, tossing rats right and left and lifting the heavy metal up. Buoyed, Max screams that she will fire Ruth.

At the shop, as they continue working, Max sits Ruth down when she comes in late. She fires her.

Caroline hangs the blurb from Martha Stewart, and tells Max they’re on their way.