'2 Broke Girls' Season 2, Episode 23: 'And The Worst Selfie Ever' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 2, Episode 23: 'And The Worst Selfie Ever' Recap Caroline and Max revel in their “Under a Dollar” finds. However Caroline’s sheets that she just washed in a new fabric softener rip, and Max’s new chair rips too.

Max wakes in the morning… finding a candy trail. She finds Andy in bed with Caroline. Caroline tells Max it’s just a one time thing.

Andy has to leave and Caroline awkwardly salutes him goodbye.

At the end of working, Caroline wants to leave and text Andy for another booty call… however Max can tell she thinks that Caroline is trying to work back into a relationship. Suddenly Caroline begins to clench her legs, saying she feels something down there.

“Yeah, you woke it up, now it’s hungry!”

Han is dressed up—he is expecting a date he met online. Their profiles are perfect matches. A pretty woman comes in, looking for him. He goes up and says hi, and she realizes she left something in her car and dashes off.

Caroline tries to make him feel better. Max looks at his profile.

“That’s the hot Asian star from ‘Hawaii-Five-O.”

Max says she will help him find the right girl. Caroline says she realizes she wants to be back in a relationship, and texts Andy. Max tells her that Andy is seeing someone… multiple someones.

Caroline connects the itch to those possible someones.

Caroline looks up her symptoms online. Max worries it may be herpes but Caroline says she can’t see it fully. She thinks it is just a rash. Caroline decides she’s more comfortable taking a picture.

“Oh, there she is. That’s definitely something.”

Max looks at it and tells her it does not look good.

Sophie shows up with Chinese to hang out.

“Uh oh. Someone’s got the herp walk.” She wants to see. She was a nurse back in Poland. Max shows her the picture.

Caroline goes to the free clinic. She tells the receptionist she needs to be tested for herpes. Max shows her the picture. She says it’s either herpes or something she’s never seen before.

The test will cost $250. She decides she’ll email Andy for the money.

Max sees someone she hooked up with, and grabs a sexual history form.

They meet Andy for a drink. She shows him the picture and yells at him. He tells her that he is clean, he only had safe sex. But he will go get tested.

Caroline keeps calling the clinic to get her results but can’t get through. The receptionist comes in, and asks to take a seat with her. She tells her she can’t give her the results without a doctor, but demonstrates with her head that it was negative and probably a result of a reaction to laundry detergent. They get her fries.

A woman comes in looking for Han—Max has set her up with him. It’s the girl from the herpes website they were looking at.

Max comes home with her test results—totally clean.

Caroline realizes she is using sex to fill a hole… figuratively. She decides they need to restart the cupcake business. Sophie comes in with a solution to her herpes problem—just don’t tell anyone!