'2 Broke Girls' Season 2, Episode 19: 'And The Temporary Distraction' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 2, Episode 19: 'And The Temporary Distraction' Recap Han comes out of the kitchen and tells Max he’s not paying her to stand there. A pretty girl who looks like a boy comes in, confusing Han. Caroline comes out and says she will wait on her, but Max won’t let her—that’s Tina The Turner, who turns every heterosexual girl gay. She doesn’t think Caroline can resist.

Caroline goes over to get her order and Max tells Earl Caroline is about to become gay.

“Well color me I saw that one coming.”

Caroline comes back and tells them it went fine. She took her order and gave her her number…

At home, Caroline says she feels good in the morning not having to stress about the cupcake shop. However, Max continues to make cupcakes. She says they still need to sell them at the diner for extra money, and she likes the routine.

Max gets a call from her old temp agency. They have openings, and she asks Caroline if she wants to do a temp job with her. Max gets out her old temp job blazer.

They open the door and find Sophie and Oleg, in a cupcake costume, both still drunk. Sophie gets upset when they tell her they aren’t making more cupcakes.

Max and Caroline go to the agency and sign forms and watch a video about sexual harassment. Caroline is overly excited to work, but Max reminds her it’s just a temp job. They basically have to do nothing. The office manager Eli comes in to introduce himself.

Max watches funny cat videos online while Caroline works hard. Eli comes over and flirts with the girls again. Caroline tells him she’s accomplished all the work they needed. He tells her to throw her hat in the ring for a junior executive position that has opened up.

At the diner Caroline admits she felt good working somewhere she was valued and supported. She wants to go for the position.

Back at the office, Max has to announce that she has downloaded a virus that makes the computers meow. Eli comes down and tells Caroline she got the position. Max and Caroline pop the champagne they get, and Caroline toasts her.

Caroline pours her extra champagne—which she spills on Max and wipes off her breasts.

She has good news. She talked to Eli, and she got Max hired full time as her assistant.

“I will knock you to the ground!” Max threatens, but Caroline reminds her it has benefits, and she will be a fun boss. She gets Max to photocopy her butt. Max tells her she won’t take the job, however. She wants to stick with the cupcake business.

Caroline says the dream blew up in their face. She’s tired of being a failure. Max is surprised; she reminds her that temping was supposed to be a short-term thing until they got back to their dream.

Caroline goes into the office where Eli has a woman from HR waiting. Eli steps aside—it’s Max, and she’s accusing Max of sexual harassment.

Caroline tries to defend herself, but they tell her they will have to fire her. They show her the butt copy as evidence, and she storms out.

Caroline confronts Max at the diner. Max tells her she needs to keep following their dream. Sophie comes in, still mad at them. Caroline says that Max’s Homemade Cupcakes is back in business. Max says they’re doing it differently this time—though she’s not sure how.

“Mama happy now,” Sophie says gleefully.