'2 Broke Girls' Season 2, Episode 10: 'And Too Little Sleep' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 2, Episode 10: 'And Too Little Sleep' Recap Max and Caroline are annoyed by a hipster hanging out in the shop and drinking their coffee refills.

Andy walks by and Max waves, which annoys Caroline. She runs and hides when Andy comes in. He wants to make sure they’re all still good. When he leaves, Caroline jumps back out and declares he has gotten fat.

Max is so tired that she starts to undress, delighting the hipster.

At the diner, Caroline falls asleep standing up, and Max tells her table they have to wait until she wakes up.

Han chastises them, but they remind him they’re wiped out from both jobs.

Sophie sweeps in to show off the new coat Oleg bought her.

Caroline, in the kitchen, tells Max she just hung up from a terrible phone call. A woman just called to confirm an order for a thousand cupcakes for the following morning. Caroline has been so tired she forgot. Max makes Caroline fake sick, and drags her out so they can start on the cupcakes.

Caroline brings in giant cups of coffee. She has figured out they can get the cupcakes done in nine hours. Max gets a text from Andy of funny animals, which Caroline doesn’t like to see, and she is concerned that underneath it asks how Caroline is.

Caroline says she and Andy were a good couple, but that her desire to be successful was getting in the way of them. She notices the oven is wobbling, and kicks the shim out of the way, breaking the oven that Max has tried to stabilize.

They rush to the diner, apologizing to Han for lying about work, but they need to use the oven. Han, Earl, and Oleg volunteer to stay and help.

Han is having a hard time frosting the cupcakes, so Max puts her arms around him and shows him how to do it… but he gets a little too excited. Max moves him to another area, and Caroline takes her frosting-covered apron to clean up.

Everything gets baked, and their extra help leaves. Max gets another funny animal picture from Andy. Caroline gets upset and Max asks if she wants her to stop texting him. Max puts her hair up, and they realize one of her earrings is missing, and she’s been hanging over the batter all night.

“Check your boobs, that’s where you found the remote.”

Nope. And it’s not in the unbaked cupcakes, so it must have fallen into one of the 900 cupcakes that they baked. Caroline won’t let her text the woman and tell her they can’t do the job.

“Maybe if you were thinking less about texting with my ex-boyfriend maybe you wouldn’t have lost your earring in the first place.”

They rip up the cupcakes, yelling at each other about Max’s friendship with Andy. Caroline starts screaming about the girl code, and they end up chucking ruined cupcakes at one another.

Suddenly Andy appears to “help,” responding to an earlier text.

In the kitchen, Caroline thanks him for his help. He tells her he thinks maybe he overreacted to her obsessing about the shop. Caroline tells him even though it doesn’t work out, they care about each other.

Caroline leaves, and Andy tells Max he thinks it’s over, for real… and he has to break up with Max, too, or he’ll always be asking her about Caroline.

They did it; they completed the cupcakes and got their money. Caroline and Max go home to crash. Caroline admits that when Andy told her he’d been thinking about her, she realized she hadn’t been thinking about him. Just cupcakes.

Max gets a text on Caroline’s phone from the cupcake lady, thanking them. Caroline realizes that after she wiped down Max’s apron, they switched. She finds Max’s earring in the apron she is wearing.