'2 Broke Girls' Season 2, Episode 24: 'And the Window of Opportunity' Recap

'2 Broke Girls' Season 2, Episode 24: 'And the Window of Opportunity' Recap Han is making everyone tidy up the diner. The health inspector is coming soon. Caroline comes in, having gotten her nails done. Han has paid for it—she is the “show pony.” He gives Max $75 to make herself scarce when the inspector comes.

Caroline heard about a branding seminar for business owner and thinks they should attend. Max is reluctant.

The health inspector arrives. She seems interested in Han. Caroline tells Max they can have a yard sale to raise the money they need for the seminar.

Sophie brings the girls the stuff Oleg has left at her apartment for the sale. Caroline thinks she is having intimacy issues since Oleg told Sophie he loved her. Sophie says he needs to change or he’s out.

An eccentric man with a bird and his wife arrive early at the yard sale. They collect things. He rejects Caroline’s stuff, but offers $600 for the entire collection of Max’s Nugget Buddies. Max says they were in there on accident and turns the offer down.

Han tells everyone the grade is in from the health inspector. It is a “B.” Han is horrified. Caroline tells Oleg he is getting too comfortable at Sophie’s and warns him to pull back a little. She tells him to make a few changes. Oleg decides he is sick of changing.

Han calls the inspector and finds out they got the B because of the back room off the kitchen. Han says he didn’t even know it existed; he thought it belonged to the bar next door. They go in. It’s filthy. Han has to get it cleaned by Friday to get his letter grade. The girls tell him they’ll clean it for the money they need. A roach nest falls into Caroline’s hair and Max decides she will sell her Happy Meal toys instead.

Max is saying goodbye to them when Sophie comes in, screaming because Oleg cheated on her. She breaks  bunch of stuff—including the Happy Meal box.

They go back to the filthy room and spray it down. Max has a tantrum about the seminar, and the two fight over whether or not Caroline can do business. They blame the failure of the cupcake business on each other. Max is also angry at Caroline for ruining Sophie and Oleg which led to the breaking of her toys. They attack each other with power washers. They tell each other they are done. Max goes to storm off and accidentally electrocutes herself on hanging wires. Caroline, sobbing, gives her mouth-to-mouth, and saves her.

She brings her to the window they found to get some air. Caroline opens the shutters and Max breathes. A man asks if they’re a store. They realize they can use the window as a cupcake walk-up window for sales.