'2 Broke Girls' Season 3, Episode 2: 'And the Kickstarter' Recap

'2 Broke Girls'  Season 3, Episode 2: 'And the Kickstarter' Recap Max tries to wait on two girls, but they're ignoring her in favor of their phones, where they're tracking their project on Kickstarter.

Han asks for Caroline but she is doing sidework in the back room. Annoyed, he tells Max that the two of them need to be working harder, doing sidework in the restaurant, and Max has to stop making fun of him.

Max finds Caroline at the window, watching a fashion shoot outside. Caroline is jealous. She's been wearing the same pants for ages. She needs new pants, but she wants "quality" pants.

Sophie comes to the window, insulting Olaf, with whom she is no longer on good terms. Caroline is jealous about Sophie's new purse.

Max opens a letter from her phone company, asking her to turn in her phone and get a better one. Caroline wishes she had a letter for new pants. She bends, and they rip.

Caroline forces Max to go look at new phones (stapling her poor pants as they enter). They discuss with the sales woman about their phone needs, including a good camera so Caroline can film a video pitch for new pants.

Max enjoys her new phone, but Caroline wants Max to focus on her for her pants project (which has been denied by Kickstarter). Caroline needs a video pitch for Go Fund Yourself.

Caroline puts a paper bag over her head and they film a plea. Caroline promises to give back to the community... if she gets her $1,500 pants.

Max stops her. No one will give her money for such expensive pants. Caroline rethinks, and offers that whoever donates $500 can come and slap her in the face.

At the diner, Caroline's project is doing pretty well, and Max is obsessed with her new phone, ignoring the Kickstarter girls from the beginning, until they get irritated.

Caroline hits $1,000, but Han catches them and tells them both to get off their phones. Caroline gets a final pledge of $500. She's getting new pants, and a slap in the face!

Max goes into the back room, and Caroline models her new pants for her, thrilled with how her butt looks. Max gets annoyed and sends Earl a text about how sick of Caroline she is... accidentally sending it to Caroline as well. Caroline comes back in and Max tries to stop her, but Caroline reads it.

Max tries to play it off as a joke, but Caroline is not laughing. She's upset that Max talks about her behind her back.

"Now you're like all my old girlfriends."

Caroline is hurt, but Max blames it on the phone. She throws it in hot oil, but Caroline is still upset. She insists it's fine, but Max is frantic, trying to appease her. She admits Caroline is her best friend and she loves her, and she's the one person she cares about. It's the first time Max has said "I love you" to anyone.

"You're the only person in the entire world I am not sick of."

Han comes back to get Caroline. There's a woman there who is waiting to slap Caroline. Max takes the bag, puts it on her head, and goes to accept the slap, since she already gave Caroline one.