Update: '19 Kids and Counting's' Josh Duggar Sexually Abused Sisters as a Teenager

Update: '19 Kids and Counting's' Josh Duggar Sexually Abused Sisters as a Teenager

[2ND EDIT 10:17pm PT]: An already horrifying story has turned even worse, as police reports have now revealed that Josh Duggar admitted to police when the report was filed that he had molested five girls, four of which were his own sisters aged from 4 to 12.

The Duggar family put out a statement on their Facebook page, but Josh's language has added fuel to the fire of those already demanding that the Duggars be taken off the air. In the statement, Josh says that he knew he was going down the "wrong road" with his molestation, and didn't want to continue and "ruin" his life. He speaks little if at all about the victims of his sex crimes.

Josh reportedly began touching the breasts and genitals of a 14-year-old neighbor and his own sisters, who ranged in age from 4 to 12, while they slept. Later, he allegedly began sexually abusing them while they were awake as well.

Josh Duggar has already resigned from his job, which was as a lobbyist for a "pro-family" group in Washington, D.C. that mostly worked to oppose gay marriage.

[EDIT 1:51pm PT]: Further information about the case reveals that the incident actually happened in 2002, when Josh Duggar was 14. According to In Touch, Josh's crime was much more serious than two 14-year-olds engaging in sexual curiosity:

"Josh Duggar was investigated for multiple sex offenses — including forcible fondling — against five minors. Some of the alleged offenses investigated were felonies. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were interview by the Springdale Police department on Dec. 12, 2006. The report says that James told police he was alerted in March, 2002 by a female minor that Josh — who turned 14-years-old that month — had been touching her breasts and genitals while she slept. This allegedly happened on multiple occasions. In 2006, Jim Bob told police that in July, 2002 Josh admitted to fondling a minor’s breasts while she slept. “James said that they disciplined (redacted, Josh) after this incident.” The family did not alert authorities.

The article says that Jim Bob met with pastors of their fundamentalist church and decided to punish Josh by putting him through a program that included religious counseling and hard labor.

Original article follows:

If you watch "19 Kids and Counting," you know how serious Jim Bob Duggar is about his kids "staying pure" until marriage. As it turns out, he's willing to take that commitment very far...even if it means turning his own kids in to the police.

Though the girl's age was not revealed, she was a minor and Josh was as well...depending on when the alleged crime actually happened, Josh would have been 16 or 17 at the time.

Interestingly, the case never went forward due to an even bigger charge against the police officer handling the case. The office was found in possession of child pornography, was charged and convicted, and is currently serving a 56-year sentence in prison.

By the time Josh's case came to the police's attention again, the statute of limitations had already passed and Josh was off the hook.