Zapata: El sueno de un heroe

Watch Zapata: El sueno de un heroe

"Zapata: The dream of a hero"
  • 2004

Zapata: El sueno de un heroe (Zapata: The Dream of a Hero) is a biographical drama film released in Mexico in 2004. The film is directed by Alfonso Arau and stars Alejandro Fernandez and Patricia Velsquez in the lead roles. The movie portrays the true story of Emiliano Zapata, a revolutionary leader of the Mexican Revolution who fought for agrarian rights and justice for the peasants of Mexico.

The film opens with a young Zapata returning to his hometown of Anenecuilco, Morelos, after serving a prison sentence for horse theft. On his return, Zapata finds that the peasants in his village are being exploited and oppressed by the local landowners who confiscate their land and exploit their labor. Zapata joins a band of rebels led by Flores Magon and becomes involved in the Mexican Revolution.

The movie depicts the harsh realities of the revolution and portrays Zapata as a hero fighting for the rights of peasantry. The rugged landscape and extreme poverty of the rural areas are shown in stark detail, highlighting the struggles of the people. Throughout the movie, Zapata is driven by his fervor for justice and his dream of a more democratic and equitable society.

The movie highlights the various milestones in Zapata's revolutionary career, including his involvement in the Plan de San Luis and Plan de Ayala, both of which were revolutionary manifestos that advocated for an agrarian revolution in Mexico. Zapata's ideas were widely popular among the peasants who joined his revolution in large numbers.

The film also portrays Zapata's personal life, including his relationship with his wife Josefa, played by Patricia Velsquez. The relationship between Zapata and Josefa is shown as a central theme of the movie and is depicted as a source of inspiration for Zapata's revolutionary ideals.

The cinematography of the movie is exceptional, with breathtaking shots of the Mexican countryside and realistic portrayals of the battles fought during the revolution. The movie is set against the backdrop of the Mexican Revolution, which is depicted in all its blood and fury.

Overall, Zapata: El sueno de un heroe is a well-made and engaging movie that portrays a critical period in Mexican history. The film provides a glimpse into the life and times of one of Mexico's most revered revolutionary leaders and pays homage to the struggles of the people who fought for justice and equality.

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  • Language
    Spanish / Nahuatl