WWE Presents...Wrestling's Greatest Factions Vol. 1

Watch WWE Presents...Wrestling's Greatest Factions Vol. 1

  • NR
  • 2014
  • 2 hr 3 min

As wrestling fans, it's impossible not to know about D-Generation X and The Corporation. These two factions had a significant impact in the late 90s and early 2000s that a two-hour documentary about them only scratches the surface. But that is what WWE Presents...Wrestling's Greatest Factions Vol. 1 offers- a chance to revisit some of the most iconic moments in wrestling history through the lens of these factions.

The documentary consists of interviews with wrestlers, both past and present, as they share their thoughts on the factions. We see clips from the Attitude Era that remind us of why these groups were so popular, and how they were able to take the wrestling world by storm. The documentary also provides context on how these factions came to be, their motivations and how they managed to stay relevant for so long.

The first half of the documentary covers the inception of D-Generation X, a group comprised of Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Road Dogg, X-Pac and Chyna. We learn about how the group started as a way for Michaels and Triple H to rebel against authority figures like Vince McMahon and Jim Ross, and how the group evolved over time. The documentary does a great job highlighting some of the group's most memorable moments, like when Shawn Michaels declared himself the ruler of the world after winning the WWF Championship.

The second half of the documentary focuses on The Corporation, which was formed in response to D-Generation X's popularity. This group had a more complex structure since it was made up of various wrestlers who banded together for a common goal- to control the WWF. We learn about how the group used any means necessary to maintain power, including manipulating the WWF Championship, building allegiances with referees and officials, and even attacking other wrestlers who posed a threat to their dominance.

Through interviews with former Corporation members like Shane McMahon, The Big Show, and Ken Shamrock, we get an inside look at the group's inner workings. We also hear from other wrestlers like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Mick Foley, who were part of The Corporation's rival factions. The documentary does an excellent job of highlighting the tension between these factions and how they influenced each other.

One of the most interesting aspects of the documentary is how it brings back nostalgia for wrestling fans who grew up watching D-Generation X and The Corporation. The documentary features clips of some of the most iconic moments in wrestling history, like when D-Generation took over WCW Headquarters, and when The Corporation crushed Stone Cold Steve Austin's championship dreams. Wrestling fans will enjoy revisiting these moments and reminiscing about a time when wrestling was at its peak.

Overall, WWE Presents...Wrestling's Greatest Factions Vol. 1 is an excellent documentary that provides insight into two of the most iconic factions in wrestling history. The documentary does a great job of providing context and highlighting the significance of these groups, making it not just a nostalgia trip but also an informative watch for younger wrestling fans. Whether you're a fan of D-Generation X, The Corporation, or simply enjoy watching wrestling documentaries, this is a film you won't want to miss.

WWE Presents...Wrestling's Greatest Factions Vol. 1 doesn't appear to be available from any streaming services.
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    2 hr 3 min