In the 1959 film "Woman Obsessed," directed by Henry Hathaway, Susan Hayward stars as a mother named Rose who moves from New York City to the rural countryside with her young son and second husband. The film is a tense psychological drama that explores Rose's fragile mental state and her obsession with her son. The story begins with Rose's second husband, Neil (played by Stephen Boyd), inheriting a large piece of land in the wilderness. Despite her initial reluctance to move, Rose agrees to go with Neil and her son Kenny (played by Dennis Holmes) to the remote location.
Once they arrive, Rose becomes increasingly isolated and disconnected from the world around her. She spends her days obsessing over Kenny, who she sees as the only good thing in her life. She becomes jealous of anyone who attempts to take Kenny away from her, including Neil and other children in the community.
As the story unfolds, Rose's mental health deteriorates further. She begins to hear whispers in the wind and see visions of her abusive ex-husband. She becomes convinced that Kenny is in danger and locks him in their cabin to protect him.
Neil starts to worry about Rose's behavior and enlists the help of his friend, Dr. Steiner (played by Theodore Bikel), to try to help her. Dr. Steiner suggests that Rose may be suffering from postpartum depression, and that her obsession with Kenny is a symptom of a deeper issue.
Throughout the film, the tension builds as Rose's mental state becomes more and more fragile. She becomes increasingly paranoid, and her erratic behavior puts both Kenny and herself in danger. The climax of the film sees Rose spiral further out of control, leading to a dramatic and tragic conclusion.
"Woman Obsessed" is a gripping and intense drama that explores themes of mental illness, obsession, and the complex relationships between mothers and their children. Susan Hayward delivers a powerful performance as Rose, and the film effectively builds a sense of unease and foreboding throughout.
Overall, "Woman Obsessed" is a classic example of psychological drama from the 1950s, filled with tension, suspense, and powerful performances. It's a must-see for fans of old Hollywood movies and anyone interested in exploring the darker side of human psychology.
CastSusan HaywardStephen BoydBarbara Nichols
DirectorHenry Hathaway
Release Date1959
Runtime1 hr 43 min
IMDB Rating6.0 (459)
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