William Shakespeare's Othello

Watch William Shakespeare's Othello

  • 2017
  • 3 hr

William Shakespeare's Othello is an epic tragedy of love and deception, jealousy and betrayal, and race and power. Directed by Oliver Parker, this 1995 movie adaptation of one of the Bard's most iconic plays brings to life the story of a noble black warrior who falls prey to the machinations of a jealous and racist white man who seeks to destroy his happiness, reputation, and ultimately his life.

The movie features a stellar cast, including Laurence Fishburne as Othello, the Moor of Venice, a general in the Venetian army who has won the love and admiration of his comrades, especially his devoted aide Iago, played by Kenneth Branagh. Desdemona, Othello's virtuous and beloved wife, is portrayed by Irene Jacob, while Emilia, Iago's discontented wife, is portrayed by Nathaniel Parker. Roderigo, a wealthy and foolish suitor of Desdemona, is played by Michael Maloney, while Cassio, a loyal and competent lieutenant of Othello, is played by Nathaniel Parker.

The story opens with Othello returning from a victorious campaign against the Turks with Desdemona, whom he has secretly married against the wishes of her father Brabantio. Iago, who is bitter and resentful over being passed over for promotion, hatches a diabolical plan to ruin Othello's life by convincing him that Desdemona is unfaithful with Cassio. He does this by planting seeds of doubt and jealousy in Othello's mind, manipulating those around him, and fabricating evidence of an affair.

At first, Othello resists these insinuations, trusting in his love for Desdemona and his own honor and judgment. However, as Iago's lies and machinations escalate, Othello's confidence and sanity begin to unravel, and he becomes consumed with suspicion, anger, and despair. Desdemona, who is innocent and faithful, tries to clear her name and reconcile with her husband, but she becomes the victim of his violent and irrational outbursts. Emilia, who discovers Iago's treachery, tries to expose him, but she is betrayed by her own husband and tragically silenced.

The movie is a masterful rendition of Shakespeare's play, capturing its themes, characters, and language with depth, nuance, and intensity. The setting and costumes evoke the splendor and decadence of Renaissance Venice, with its intrigue, corruption, and social hierarchies. The music, composed by Richard Rodney Bennett, blends classical and modern elements, adding drama and emotion to crucial scenes.

The performances are outstanding, with Fishburne delivering a powerful and nuanced portrayal of Othello, balancing his nobility, vulnerability, and rage with sensitivity and dignity. Branagh, who is known for his Shakespearean roles, gives a chilling and charismatic performance as Iago, embodying his hatred, envy, and manipulative skills with relish. Jacob and Parker also shine as Desdemona and Emilia, conveying their strength, intelligence, and compassion amidst the patriarchal and racist constraints of their society.

The movie also raises contemporary issues around race, gender, and power, highlighting how Shakespeare's insights and critiques are still relevant today. It challenges the stereotypes and prejudices that still haunt our societies, showing how black men can be victims of racism and white women can be allies or victims of abusive and toxic masculinity. It also questions the notion of honor, loyalty, and trust, asking whether they are virtues or pitfalls of human nature.

Overall, William Shakespeare's Othello is a stunning movie that captures the essence of one of the greatest literary works of all time. It is a timeless tale of love and hate, kindness and cruelty, justice and injustice, reminding us of the complexity and fragility of human relationships and the power of words and deeds to shape our destinies. It is a must-see for anyone who loves Shakespeare, drama, or cinema.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    3 hr