Wedding Cha Shinema

Watch Wedding Cha Shinema

  • NR
  • 2019
  • 2 hr 17 min
  • 6.8  (182)

Wedding Cha Shinema is a heartfelt romantic-comedy film that explores the nuances of marriage in contemporary Indian society. The movie follows the story of a young couple, Madhura (Rucha Inamdar) and Parag (Shivraj Waichal), who are preparing for their upcoming wedding. Madhura is a budding filmmaker who wants to make a documentary about the wedding industry in India, while Parag is a simple boy who runs a small business.

One of the most striking aspects of the movie is its exploration of the various rituals and ceremonies that are an integral part of Indian weddings. From the traditional haldi and mehndi ceremonies to the grand reception party, the movie captures the essence of each ritual with great detail and finesse. Through Madhura's eyes, we see the wedding industry from a fresh and modern perspective, and the film subtly critiques the excessive consumerism and extravagance that often accompany Indian weddings.

Beyond the glitter and glamour of the wedding, however, the movie is ultimately a love story that portrays the ups and downs of a young couple in love. Madhura and Parag's relationship is tested by various obstacles, including familial pressures, misunderstandings, and conflicting priorities. Shivraj Waichal delivers a nuanced performance as the boy-next-door Parag, who struggles to reconcile his love for Madhura with his traditional values and responsibilities. Rucha Inamdar, on the other hand, impresses as the ambitious and independent Madhura, who is determined to pursue her dream of becoming a filmmaker while also navigating the challenges of a budding romance.

The supporting cast of the movie also deserves special mention. Mukta Barve shines as Madhura's elder sister, who is herself going through a troubled marriage. Her character serves as a mentor and confidante to Madhura, and the chemistry between the two sisters is one of the highlights of the film. The other members of the cast, including Bhau Kadam, Pravin Tarde, and Chaitanya Mestry, also deliver memorable performances that add depth and humor to the story.

Apart from the performances, the movie also benefits from its slick production values and engaging screenplay. Director Saleel Kulkarni keeps the pace of the film brisk and engaging, while also infusing it with moments of tenderness and humor. The music, composed by Kulkarni himself, is another highlight of the movie, with several catchy and melodious tracks that add to the festive mood of the wedding season.

While Wedding Cha Shinema is primarily a feel-good romantic-comedy, it does touch upon several important social issues that are relevant to contemporary India. The movie subtly critiques the rampant consumerism and extravagance that often accompany Indian weddings, without sermonizing or oversimplifying the issue. It also portrays the complexities of modern relationships, where individuals are faced with conflicting priorities and ideologies. Ultimately, however, the movie is a celebration of love and family, and it succeeds in capturing the warmth and joy of an Indian wedding.

In conclusion, Wedding Cha Shinema is a heartwarming and entertaining movie that offers a refreshing take on the Indian wedding industry. With its engaging screenplay, memorable performances, and slick production values, the movie will appeal to audiences who enjoy romantic-comedies and family dramas. At its core, however, the film is a celebration of love and family, and it offers a subtle but meaningful message about the true essence of marriage.

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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    2 hr 17 min
  • IMDB Rating
    6.8  (182)