We Are Young. We Are Strong

Watch We Are Young. We Are Strong

  • 2014
  • 2 hr 3 min
  • 7.0  (2,330)

We Are Young. We Are Strong. is a 2014 German drama film that tells the story of the 1992 Rostock riots, where a mob of around 3,000 right-wing extremists and angry residents gathered outside a refugee center in Germany, in an attempt to stop the arrival of asylum seekers they wrongly believed to be receiving better treatment than Germans living in poverty.

The movie revolves around three main characters: Stefan, played by Jonas Nay, a teenage skinhead and son of a former neo-Nazi, who initially joins the riots for the thrill of it; Lien, played by Trang Le Hong, a Vietnamese immigrant living in fear of the riots and trying to protect her family's small business; and Martin, played by Devid Striesow, a local politician struggling to contain the situation while dealing with his own political ambitions.

Through their stories, the movie portrays the deep-seated prejudices and social inequalities that fueled the riots, as well as the devastating consequences of mob violence and hate speech. It also shows the power of compassion and solidarity in times of crisis, as Stefan and Lien's paths cross and they find themselves unexpectedly connected despite their different backgrounds.

The movie is a gripping and intense portrayal of a real-life event that shook Germany's sense of identity, and a poignant reminder of the dangers of intolerance and nationalism. The cinematography and soundtrack are also noteworthy, capturing the tense atmosphere of the riots and the emotional struggles of the characters.

Overall, We Are Young. We Are Strong. is a thought-provoking and important movie that resonates with the current social and political climate, and serves as a valuable lesson for audiences around the world.

We Are Young. We Are Strong
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    2 hr 3 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (2,330)