Virtual Assasin

Watch Virtual Assasin

  • 1995
  • 1 hr 37 min

Virtual Assassin is a science fiction thriller released in 1995, directed by Robert Lee. The movie stars Michael Dudikoff as the main protagonist and Suki Kaiser as his partner. The movie is set in the near future where Virtual Reality(VR) has become an integral part of everyone's life. The story begins with the murder of Dr. Parker, a renowned scientist, who was working on a top-secret government project involving Virtual Reality technology. The government hires Nick James (Dudikoff) to investigate the murder and recover the stolen technology before it falls into the wrong hands.

Nick James is a former special forces operative and an expert in martial arts. He is given a virtual reality ring(VRing), which allows him to enter the virtual world and gather evidence. He also meets Dr. Eva Swan(Suki Kaiser), who was working with Dr. Parker and is the only surviving member of their team. Together they venture into the virtual world to uncover the truth.

As they progress, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries who are also after the technology. They discover that the technology has the potential to create an army of cyborg soldiers that could be controlled by anyone who possesses the VR technology. Nick and Eva also uncover a conspiracy involving high ranking government officials, who are willing to do anything to get their hands on the technology.

The virtual reality world is excellently portrayed in the movie. The special effects of the virtual world are impressive for its time, and the action sequences are well choreographed. The movie keeps the audience engaged with its fast pacing and suspenseful plot.

Michael Dudikoff delivers an excellent performance as Nick. He is charming and rugged and portrays the character with ease. Suki Kaiser also does an excellent job as Eva. She is smart and resourceful, and her character is well-developed.

The movie also has a strong supporting cast. Brion James plays the villainous General Bushido, who is determined to get his hands on the VR technology. William Lucking plays Colonel Rance, Nick's former commanding officer, and mentor. Karen Duffy plays a reporter who is trying to uncover the truth behind the murder of Dr. Parker.

Virtual Assassin’s story has a distinct resemblance to the classic science fiction novel "Neuromancer" by William Gibson. The novel deals with hackers and the virtual world that they inhabit, and Virtual Assassin explores similar themes. The VR technology depicted in the movie is not too far-fetched and seems plausible.

Overall, Virtual Assassin is an enjoyable science-fiction thriller that keeps the audience entertained. The movie has some pacing issues, and the plot could have been more polished, but it does not detract from the movie's entertainment value. Michael Dudikoff’s performance is the highlight of the movie, and the virtual reality world is impressive. The action sequences are well executed, and the movie has a satisfying resolution. Fans of science fiction and action movies would enjoy Virtual Assassin.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 37 min