Ruby is a haunting and gripping drama movie based on the novel of the same name by V.C. Andrews. It follows the story of a young girl named Ruby (played by Raechelle Banno), who is forced to navigate the complexities of life while dealing with a tragic past. The movie opens up with Ruby being sent to her estranged grandmother's home in the Louisiana Bayou after her mother's death. She is met with hostility and cruelty from her grandmother, who uses her as free labor and reminds her of her undesirable mixed-race heritage. Meanwhile, Ruby continues to grapple with the loss of her mother and attempts to unravel the mysteries of her family's past.
Over time, Ruby discovers the dark secrets of her family, including the true identity of her father and the events that led to her mother's demise. She also comes to realize the extreme measures her grandmother will take to maintain her family's reputation and uphold her repressive view of the world.
Throughout the movie, Ruby's journey is punctuated with flashbacks to her mother's life, giving viewers a closer look at the struggles and hardships her mother faced as a young, mixed-race woman. These scenes help to illuminate the deeper themes of the movie, which grapples with issues of race, class, and identity.
The movie features an ensemble cast of talented actors, including Mason Temple as Paul Tate, a young man who becomes romantically involved with Ruby; Gil Bellows as Judge Sanders, a powerful local figure with a long-standing connection to Ruby's family; and Karina Banno as Giselle Tate, Paul's sister, who becomes a friend and ally to Ruby.
The performances in this movie are particularly notable, with Raechelle Banno delivering a mesmerizing portrayal of Ruby's inner turmoil, and Gil Bellows infusing his character with a sense of unsettling power.
Visually, the movie is stunning, with the lush and humid environment of the Louisiana Bayou providing a mesmerizing backdrop for the drama. The cinematography and direction are also on point, with the movie's pacing and tone reflecting the slow unraveling of Ruby's story.
Overall, V.C. Andrews' Ruby is a captivating and thought-provoking movie that offers a thoughtful exploration of identity, race, and family dynamics. Despite its dark subject matter, the movie is ultimately a story of resilience and hope, and one that is sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers.
V.C. Andrews' Ruby is a 2021 drama. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.2.
CastMason TempleGil BellowsRaechelle BannoKarina Banno
DirectorGail Harvey
Release Date2021
MPAA RatingTV-14
IMDB Rating6.2 (198)
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