Turbulent is a thriller film which was released in 2017, being directed by Chip Rossetti and starring Jeff Rose, Faith Murphy, and Allen Hogan, among others. The movie centers around the character of husband and father, Coleman (Jeff Rose), a commercial airline pilot who suffers from PTSD after surviving a plane crash. Despite his struggles with anxiety and flashbacks, Coleman still tries to continue a "normal" life with his family, but soon realizes that something goes terribly wrong.
The film begins with an intense scene as Coleman experiences a flashback of the plane crash, indicating that this is a recurring problem for him. As he struggles with his mental health, his wife, Katrina (Faith Murphy), senses that there is something different about him and becomes more and more concerned about his well-being. Despite the support of his loved ones, Coleman's nightmares and struggles continue.
Coleman is set to pilot a new aircraft, and this causes even more anxiety for him since he is still trying to recover from his previous traumas. However, he has no choice but to fly the plane, but at the same time, a group of terrorists have also infiltrated the airline company and are planning to hijack the plane. Once the plane is in the air, the terrorists launch their attack, and the passengers and crew are left fighting for their lives. Coleman's training and experience as a pilot are critical for him and the other passengers to come out of this alive.
The main story of the film revolves around Coleman's personal struggle with his PTSD and the terrorist attack that takes place on the plane. The tension builds up gradually, and it is evident that the presence of the terrorists only adds to the psychological burden which Coleman has to bear. He not only has to confront his fears and anxieties but also has to step up to protect the people on board from the terrorists. The passengers are put in grave danger as the terrorists' plan unfolds, and Coleman's intimate knowledge of the aircraft and flight procedures proves to be valuable in helping to both survive the ordeal and neutralizing the threat of the terrorists.
The actors in the movie played their roles remarkably well, with Jeff Rose's portrayal of Coleman being particularly impressive. His performance as someone suffering from mental health issues was convincing and realistic, making the audience truly understand the burden of PTSD, and how it has a profound effect on a person's life. Meanwhile, Faith Murphy's Katrina was an adequate balance of compassion and vulnerability.
The setting and the cinematography of the film should also be commended, with its overhead external shots of the plane in flight, adding an effective element to the tension of the film, and creating a more immersive experience for the audience as they witness the action on the ground in trying to defuse and neutralize the terrorist threat.
All in all, Turbulent is a powerful and emotional thriller, highlighting the impact of PTSD and the dangers of terrorism. The film depicts the fear, tension, and chaos of a terrorist attack with the added complexity of a protagonist struggling with a mental health condition. The story is well-crafted and suspenseful, serving as a stark reminder that the fight for survival has its own challenges and is often a burden far too heavy to bear for those that find themselves in such predicaments. Turbulent is a must-watch for movie-goers who crave the adrenaline rush associated with edge-of-season thrillers.
Turbulent is a 2018 action movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 31 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.4.
CastJeff RoseFaith MurphyAllen Hogan
DirectorChip Rossetti
Release Date2018
Runtime1 hr 31 min
IMDB Rating4.4 (74)
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