To Live written and directed by Zhang Yimou is a Chinese drama that chronicles a family's fortune during a challenging time in Chinese history. The family's patriarch, Fugui is uncontrollably addicted to gambling which results in him losing his wealth slowly, beginning with his home. This unfortunately happens after a game that he plays with his friend Long'er. Fugui is suddenly faced with a string of bad luck events that include his wife leaving him which leaves him to humble himself into the life of a street peddler. As his world slowly shatters, he is given new hope when he is given shadow puppets which is where Fugui finds a new craft and thus embarks on the life of a puppet performer. The story unfolds as Fugui begins his new life on the road as a puppet performer who is faced with new challenges and a possible chance at reviving his old life.
The film follows Fugui's resilience from a wealthy gambler to a humble puppeteer. The audience will watch as he undergoes the various obstacles of being arrested while on the road by Chinese Nationalists who later go through a change in power and decide to finally release him. The change in Fugui's attitude becomes apparent as he tries to regain the respect and love from his family again. The audience may relate to his commitment to change his perspective of how he spends his money and thus making him a more productive citizen. Fugui learns that despite his past wealth and greed he would have never had such a humbling experience as a puppeteer. The film's focus on wealth and status during the constant change in the Chinese regime, may leave the audience wondering how the government will react to Fugui's transition.
The film may also remind audiences of what it means to survive and maintain the status of a wealthy individual without letting greed get in the way.
CastJohn GoodmanRick MoranisRosie O'Donnell
DirectorZhang Yimou
Release Date1994
Runtime2 hr 5 min
IMDB Rating5.0 (87,746)
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