Tiny Christmas is a 2017 movie that tells the story of a young girl named Emma (Riele Downs) who, unlike her family members, does not believe in magic. Emma, along with her cousin Vivian (Lizzy Greene), is excitedly waiting for her grandfather (Graeme McComb) to arrive on Christmas Eve. When her grandfather shows up in a hurry, he accidentally shrinks himself and now Emma and Vivian have to help him regain his size before it's too late.
Emma's grandfather is a world-renowned inventor who has created a shrinking device that has the ability to shrink people and objects. The girls have to go on a journey to find the missing pieces needed to fix the device and bring their grandfather back to his normal size. However, their adventure is full of challenges and threats as they face bigger-than-life insects and animals.
As they set out on their quest, they come across a series of colorful characters who help them in their journey. They meet a helpful, but quirky scientist who at first seems to be the enemy, but later becomes their ally. They also meet a friendly squirrel who gives them important directions and helps them find the right path.
The movie's plot is fast-paced and offers a great mix of humor, emotion, and adventure. The girls explored new places, had thrilling experiences, and learned valuable life lessons along the way. The movie presents many lessons to children, such as the importance of friendship, teamwork, and believing in the impossible, even in the face of adversity. Emma learns to appreciate the seemingly impossible things when she sees that her grandfather can shrink himself and have an incredible adventure at the same time.
The movie has a lot of heart, thanks to the great performances of the actors who brought the story to life. Riele Downs played the role of Emma with conviction, making it incredibly relatable to viewers. Lizzy Greene played the role of Vivian, portraying the perfect foil for Emma. Graeme McComb brought an element of humor and wisdom to the role of their grandfather, adding depth to the story.
The visuals in the movie were also impressive, creating an immersive world that captures the imagination of the audience. The special effects of the insects and the animals were a particular highlight, bringing to life the different creatures that the girls encountered in their journey.
Overall, the movie is a perfect family-friendly adventure that brings the magic of Christmas to life. It does an excellent job of blending humor, adventure, action, and heart to create an unforgettable story. Tiny Christmas presents a great message to the children, teaching them the importance of teamwork, courage, believing in oneself and hope. It is a must-watch for anyone who loves Christmas movies and wants to experience the magic of the holiday season.
In conclusion, Tiny Christmas is one of those rare movies that both adults and children will enjoy. Its great plot, memorable characters, stunning visuals, and perfect performances make it an enjoyable, heartwarming, and magical movie.
Tiny Christmas is a 2017 tv movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 6 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.8.
CastRiele DownsLizzy GreeneGraeme McComb
DirectorJonathan Rosenbaum
Release Date2017
Runtime1 hr 6 min
IMDB Rating4.8 (338)
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