The Shunning is a thought-provoking drama film that was released in 2011, based on the bestselling novel by Beverly Lewis of the same title. The movie is directed by Michael Landon Jr. and features an all-star cast which includes the likes of Sherry Stringfield, Sarah Maine, and Willie Stratford. The Shunning is a heart-wrenching tale about a woman named Katie Lapp (played by Sarah Maine), who grew up in the Amish community but later decides to leave everything behind after discovering a shocking truth about her past. Katie's mother died when she was a child, and she was brought up by her grandmother, Bishop John (played by Willie Stratford), and the rest of the Amish community.
Katie is engaged to a young man named Daniel Fisher (played by Sean Faris), but her life turns upside down when she discovers a secret that changes everything she thought she knew. The revelation ultimately leads to her being shunned by her family and the rest of the Amish community. Daniel, however, refuses to abandon her, and the two of them embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind Katie's past.
Sherry Stringfield plays the role of Laura Mayfield-Bennett, a wealthy and ambitious journalist who becomes interested in Katie's story. Laura sees it as an opportunity to make a name for herself and writes a series of articles about Katie's life. Through Laura's articles, the outside world becomes aware of the Amish community's tradition of shunning those who break away from their beliefs.
The Shunning is a compelling story about the power of forgiveness, love, and the importance of family. It explores the complex emotions that come with leaving behind the only life you have ever known and the pain of being rejected by the people you love. The film also highlights the difficulties that people face when trying to connect with others from different cultures and belief systems.
The cinematography in The Shunning is breathtaking, showcasing the scenic beauty of the Amish community and its way of life. The film's soundtrack is also noteworthy, featuring a mixture of contemporary and classical pieces that help to bring the emotions and themes to life.
Overall, The Shunning is a gripping drama that explores the complexities of family, culture, and identity. It is a powerful film that will leave viewers with a sense of hope after seeing Katie's journey to finding her true identity and place in the world.
The Shunning is a 2011 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 27 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.2.
CastSherry StringfieldSarah MaineWillie Stratford
DirectorMichael Landon Jr.
Release Date2011
Runtime1 hr 27 min
IMDB Rating6.2 (2,142)
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