The Reverend is a 2011 British horror film by director Neil Jones. The movie stars Rutger Hauer, Doug Bradley, and Tamer Hassan in leading roles. It follows a Reverend who returns to his hometown to uncover the mystery surrounding the disappearance of his girlfriend and the strange occurrences happening in the town. The movie opens with the return of Reverend David (Stuart Brennan) to his hometown of Little Hope to take up his father's position as the local pastor. There, he reconnects with his old friends: a drug dealer, Marshall (Tamer Hassan), and an ex-soldier, Steve (Shane Richie). David is also hoping to reunite with his girlfriend, Laura (Emily Booth), who had disappeared mysteriously while he was away.
However, Little Hope is no longer the quiet town it used to be. Strange occurrences are happening, and people are disappearing without a trace. The Reverend discovers that the town is plagued by a group of vampires led by the ruthless and manipulative Alice (Elen Rhys). Alice has a hold on the town's inhabitants, and Reverend David realizes that he may not be able to save his girlfriend or himself from her grasp.
Throughout the movie, we are offered a glimpse of the past that helps to explain the present. It is revealed that a dark and twisted history lies hidden behind the town's idyllic facade. The town's inhabitants have been struggling with the supernatural for centuries, and David's return triggers a series of events that unravel the town's darkest secrets.
The Reverend is an action-packed horror film that explores the religious mythology of vampires. It has several chilling scenes that keep you on edge throughout the movie. The movie's fast-paced action sequences are juxtaposed with moments of intense drama that highlight the excellent acting of the cast.
Rutger Hauer, who plays the role of the mysterious MR. Billy, is exceptional in his portrayal of this enigmatic and powerful character. Hauer's presence on the screen is electrifying, and he commands your attention every time he appears. Doug Bradley also delivers a noteworthy performance as the reclusive and mysterious Bishop, who holds knowledge about the town's history.
Tamer Hassan, who plays the role of Marshall, is impressive in his role as well. He brings depth to his character, making it more than just a gangster stereotype. Hassan's portrayal of Marshall is a great example of how to subvert traditional roles in horror movies.
The movie's special effects are also impressive. The vampires are beautiful yet terrifying, with their human-like features and animalistic movements. The cinematography is dark and eerie, fitting of a horror movie, and it tells the story in a poignant way.
The movie's plot is well-written, suspenseful, and quite engaging. The climax is satisfying and will leave you hoping for a sequel. The soundtrack is also great and does an excellent job of creating suspense and building tension.
Overall, The Reverend is an outstanding horror movie that manages to bring something new to the genre. It is engaging, suspenseful, and has a cast of exceptional actors. It is a rare film that uses religious mythology to create a complex and nuanced story, and it is a must-watch for horror fans.
The Reverend is a 2011 documentary with a runtime of 1 hour and 38 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.0.
CastRutger HauerDoug BradleyTamer Hassan
DirectorNeil Jones
Release Date2011
Runtime1 hr 38 min
IMDB Rating4.0 (485)
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